Jun 8, 2012 | Current Events, Entrada Events, Entrada News, News and Events, Programming, Saturday Sunset Series, Scientists
Steve Lutz and others will be doing a presentation tonight (June 8th) at 7pm at Robbers Roost Bookstore about preparing your wildland home to prevent fire. Also a “Living with Fire” booklet will be sent out with the next issue of the Insider. It gives a...
Jun 3, 2012 | Current Events, Entrada Events, Entrada News, News and Events, Programming, Saturday Sunset Series, Scientists
Saturday Sunset Series Event Saturday June 9, 2012 7:30-8:30PM Robber’s Roost Bookstore, Torrey, Utah The Entrada Institute presents Scott Williams from the Burpee Museum and his presentation titled “A Jurassic Journey- the Paleontology of the Hanksville-Burpee...