Jul 14, 2013 | Entrada Events, Entrada News, News and Events, Past Events, Programming, Saturday Sunset Series, Scientists
Professor of Biology, Denise Dearing shared an engaging presentation focusing on rodents, hantavirus, and the role of biodiversity on Saturday July 13, 2013. To see more images, go to Facebook.
Jul 7, 2013 | Current Events, Entrada Events, Entrada News, News and Events, Programming, Saturday Sunset Series, Scientists
From deer mice to packrats, rodents are a common sight in southern Utah. Professor of Biology, Denise Dearing studies rodents and the dreaded hantavirus they carry. In her engaging presentation titled Understanding the Paradox of How More Rodents Results in Less...
Jun 23, 2013 | Current Events, Entrada Events, Entrada News, History, History of the Colorado Plateau, News and Events, Programming, Saturday Sunset Series, Scientists, Wayne County News
Local historian Steve Taylor presented a fascinating program titled Wayne County Wildlife Before Settlement on June 22, 2013. To view photos from the event, go to Facebook.
Jun 16, 2013 | Entrada Events, Entrada News, Musicians, News and Events, Past Events, Programming, Saturday Sunset Series, Scientists
As a bird handler, wildlife educator, storyteller, and musician, Jen Hajj provided a wonderful program for the Saturday Sunset Series Saturday June 15, 2013. Weaving stories of wildlife with experiences of everyday people, she provided a wonderful evening of music and...
Jun 9, 2013 | Current Events, Entrada Events, Entrada News, Musicians, News and Events, Programming, Saturday Sunset Series, Scientists
Birds, music, and more… Jen Hajj presents a unique program combining her interests and experiences as a bird handler, wildlife educator, storyteller, and musician. Jen weaves the stories of birds and other wildlife into original songs that stress how everyday...
Jun 2, 2013 | Current Events, Entrada Events, Entrada News, History, History of the Colorado Plateau, News and Events, Past Events, Programming, Saturday Sunset Series, Scientists, Wayne County News
On Saturday June 1, 2013 Jerry D. Spangler, executive director of the Colorado Plateau Archaeological Alliance, highlighted interesting and little-known historical anecdotes related to the first 100 years of archaeological history of Utah. Of particular interest to...